Our Community
A Longer Table CIC is a registered Community Interest Company which means that any profit we make goes back into our community initiatives, and not into the Directors pockets. We are allowed to employ paid staff or use volunteers should the need arise. We are constantly looking for ways to help people budget and encourage them to shop ethically to reduce plastic packaging and food waste.
Our current schemes are:
Customer Loyalty Card: Home made from the card board packing which has contained some of our deliveries - Every time you spend £10 or more in one transaction we stamp your card. When full it is redeemable for £10 worth of shopping. If you don’t want to use it yourself you can donate the £10 to our ‘Pay It Forward’ tokens for someone else’s shopping.
No time limit to how long it takes you to get your card completed, and once you have finished one you can begin another.
Family 10% Discount Card: All families with Primary School age children at any of the 5 Kirriemuir Town and rural Glens primary schools are entitled to a 10% discount on their shopping. Every penny counts when you are bringing up a family. Uptake of these has been quite slow so please spread the word among other parents if you can.
If you have not yet claimed your discount card please pop in and get one - just show it at the till every time you shop with us.
Pay It Forward Tree: Our pay it forward tree is a tree of life with strong roots and principles, a kind heart and generous branches. Balance is achieved when we are able to both give and receive gracefully and in equal measure. If you wish to pay forward for someone else to have a coffee and cake, or some shopping then please let us know when paying at the till and we will place a token on the tree for the amount you choose. You can donate your loyalty card savings here too.
If you want to use a token please take it from the tree and bring to the till to redeem against refreshments or shopping. No special criteria - this scheme is open to all.